03/03/2025, 04:00 PM UTC
《怪物猎人:荒野》PC模组绕过卡普空疯狂的角色编辑微交易PC mods bypass Capcom’s crazy character edit microtransactions in Monster Hunter Wilds
➀ 卡普空在《怪物猎人:荒野》中引入了6英镑的字符编辑代金券,但PC模组可以绕过这一限制;➁ 模组制作者可以自由编辑玩家角色和帕利科的外观;➂ PC玩家还可以使用模组调整游戏阴影和色彩平衡,还有其他工具如音效替换和游戏平衡模组可用。➀ Capcom's Monster Hunter Wilds introduces a £6 voucher for character editing after setup, which is bypassed by PC mods; ➁ Modders can freely edit player characters and Palico's appearance; ➂ PC players can also adjust game shading and color balance with mods, and there are other tools available like SFX replacement and game balance mods.---