03/12/2025, 12:33 PM UTC
汉诺威工业博览会:超薄弹性薄膜制成的泵和阀门轻巧且节能Hannover Messe: Pumps and valves made from ultrathin elastomeric films are lightweight and energy efficient
➀ 德国萨尔兰州的研究团队正在开发使用介电弹性体硅酮薄膜的微型泵和阀门,这些设备轻巧、紧凑且节能。
➁ 这些设备无需压缩空气、电机或润滑剂运行,适用于洁净室环境。
➂ 该技术可扩展,可用于汽车、医疗、制药和工业加工等多种应用。
➀ A research team in Saarland, Germany is developing miniaturized pumps and valves using dielectric elastomeric silicone films, which are lightweight, compact, and energy-efficient.
➁ These devices operate without compressed air, motors, or lubricants and are suitable for cleanroom environments.
➂ The technology is scalable and can be used in various applications, including automotive, medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial processing.