10/26/2024, 08:35 PM UTC
科赛尔狂飙DDR5-10000内存市场Corsair Is Attacking Race To DDR5-10000 Memory With A Vengeance
➀ 科赛尔可能将推出首款零售DDR5-10000内存套件;➁ 新内存套件将配备英特尔XMP配置文件和48-60-60-157的时序;➂ 科赛尔的DDR5-10000 Vengeance模块预计将在11月初发布。➀ Corsair is rumored to be releasing the first retail DDR5-10000 memory kit; ➁ The new memory kit will feature Intel XMP profile and timings of 48-60-60-157; ➂ Corsair's DDR5-10000 Vengeance modules are expected to be released in early November.