08/26/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
卡普空计划“复活”众多IP——不仅仅是《丧尸围城》Capcom wants to “Bring Back Many of it IPs” – not just Dead Rising
1、卡普空计划复活其众多休眠IP,首先从《丧尸围城》豪华重制版开始。2、公司旨在扩展《丧尸围城》系列,并向全球粉丝推广该重制版。3、其他可能的复活系列包括《鬼武者》、《恐龙危机》、《漫威对卡普空》、《洛克人》衍生作品和《生化尖兵》。1. Capcom plans to revive many of its dormant IPs, starting with the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. 2. The company aims to expand upon the Dead Rising series and promote the remaster to fans worldwide. 3. Other potential revivals include franchises like Onimusha, Dino Crisis, Marvel vs Capcom, Mega Man spin-offs, and Bionic Commando.