09/12/2024, 12:06 PM UTC
苹果发布iPhone 16,一切如常Apple Introduces iPhone 16, It's Business As Usual
1、苹果近期发布的iPhone 16新功能并未显著提升收益;2、新的AI功能可能无法推动强劲的更换周期,并且容易被竞争对手复制;3、公司正从以产品为中心转向以服务为中心,这可能会提高盈利能力。1. Apple's recent iPhone 16 event introduced new features but failed to significantly boost earnings beyond historical growth rates; 2. New AI features are unlikely to drive a strong replacement cycle and can be easily replicated by competitors; 3. The company is transitioning from a product-focused to a services-focused one, which may increase profitability.