09/28/2024, 11:00 PM UTC
三星电子36GB HBM3E 12层大规模量产New 36GB SK hynix HBM3E 12-High in Volume Production
➀ 三星电子已经开始量产36GB的HBM3E,采用12层堆叠技术;➁ 新的HBM3E专为下一代高性能计算和游戏应用设计;➂ 这标志着内存技术的一项重大进步。➀ SK hynix has begun mass production of its 36GB HBM3E with 12 high dies; ➁ The new HBM3E is designed for next-generation high-performance computing and gaming applications; ➂ This marks a significant advancement in memory technology.