07/25/2024, 08:01 PM UTC
GWDG宣布2024/2025年度可扩展存储竞赛GWDG Announces Scalable Storage Competition for 2024/2025
1. GWDG和哥廷根大学将于2024年夏季至2025年5月举办可扩展存储竞赛(SSC)。2. 该竞赛旨在提高对高性能计算和存储解决方案的理解和能力。3. 参赛者将有机会使用真实集群硬件来优化各种HPC场景的存储解决方案。1. The Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) and the University of Göttingen are hosting the Scalable Storage Competition (SSC) from summer 2024 to May 2025. 2. The competition aims to enhance understanding and capabilities in high-performance computing and storage solutions. 3. Participants will have access to a real cluster hardware to optimize storage solutions for various HPC scenarios.