11/01/2024, 08:36 PM UTC
独家:三星将关闭50%的晶圆代工生产线以削减成本Exclusive: Samsung to shut down 50% of foundry production lines to cut costs
<p>➀ 三星电子将暂时关闭其晶圆代工工厂的生产线以削减成本。</p><p>➁ 分析师估计,晶 圆代工业务在第三季度亏损了1万亿韩元。</p><p>➂ 三星计划到年底将关闭的工厂比例扩大到约50%。</p><p>➀ Samsung Electronics is temporarily shutting down production lines at its foundry facilities to reduce costs.</p><p>➁ Analysts estimate the foundry business recorded losses of 1 trillion won in the third quarter.</p><p>➂ Samsung plans to expand the shutdown to about 50% of its facilities by the end of the year.</p>