08/31/2024, 10:21 AM UTC
转型为研发导向公司:群联电子案例研究Transitioning to a Research-Oriented Company: A Case Study on Phison Electronics
➀ 群联电子的研发支出从每季度不到10亿增加到每季度超过30亿。➁ 研发费用率也从不到5%上升到超过20%,显示公司向研发导向的重大 转变。➂ 这种转型减少了公司受消费产品周期波动的影响,增强了其长期竞争力。➀ Phison Electronics has significantly increased its R&D expenditure from less than 1 billion to over 3 billion per quarter. ➁ The R&D expense ratio has also risen from under 5% to over 20% of revenue, indicating a substantial shift towards R&D-focused operations. ➂ This transformation reduces the company's vulnerability to cyclical fluctuations in consumer products, enhancing its long-term competitiveness.