12/20/2024, 08:57 PM UTC
AMD股票:为什么它在下跌,为什么我在买入(评级上调)AMD Stock: Here's Why It's Dropping And Here's Why I'm Buying (Rating Upgrade)
1、AMD在过去12个月表现不佳;2、公司在服务器CPU市场取得了显著进展,并在GPU加速器市场缩小了与英伟达的差距;3、当前股价提供了有利的风险回报比。1. Advanced Micro Devices has underperformed in the last 12 months; 2. The company has made significant progress in the server CPU market and closing the gap with Nvidia in the GPU accelerator market; 3. Shares offer favorable risk-reward at current levels.---