11/07/2024, 09:30 PM UTC
超微计算机:业务更新令人失望,投资者纷纷撤资,退市担忧加剧Super Micro Computer: Delisting Fears Played Out As Investors Bail
1. 超微计算机11月6日股价暴跌近20%,因其业务更新令人失望;2. 公司未能就延迟提交的10K文件和新审计师任命提供明确信息,加剧了退市的担忧;3. 尽管财务状况相对稳健,但超微计算机可能面临激烈竞争,投资者可能看到进一步的向下调整指引。1. Super Micro Computer's stock dropped nearly 20% on November 6 due to a massive disappointment in its business update; 2. The company failed to provide clarity on its delayed 10K filing and new auditor engagement, fueling fears of potential delisting; 3. Despite a relatively solid financial profile, Supermicro may face intense competition, and investors are likely to see further downward guidance adjustments.