06/19/2024, 04:59 PM UTC
单板感应炉灶参考设计Reference Design For Single Plate Induction Cooktop
1、文章讨论了Microchip Technology的AS048 2100W单板感应炉灶参考设计,强调其效率和安全特性。2、解释了iW248智能IGBT驱动器和控制器单芯片ASSP如何实现精确的功率调整,提高烹饪性能。3、设计包含增强的安全机制,如过温检测和可调过电压截止,适用于家庭和专业厨房。1. The article discusses the AS048 2100W reference design for a single-plate induction cooktop by Microchip Technology, highlighting its efficiency and safety features. 2. It explains how the iW248 smart IGBT driver and controller single-chip ASSP allows for precise power adjustments, enhancing cooking performance. 3. The design includes enhanced safety mechanisms like over-temperature detection and adjustable overvoltage cutoff, making it suitable for both home and professional kitchens.