08/27/2024, 07:36 PM UTC
三星解散先进封装业务组 消息称中国大陆厂正试图招募“封装专家”林俊成Samsung Dissolves Advanced Packaging Business Team, Rumored Chinese Factories Attempt to Recruit Expert Lin Juncheng
➀ 三星电子解散了由前台积电高管林俊成领导的先进封装业务组。➁ 林俊成被誉为“半导体封装专家”,拥有丰富的背景,包括在台积电近19年的工作经历和在天虹科技的领导职位。➂ 有传言称中国大陆的半导体工厂正在尝试招募林俊成,尽管他预计会优先考虑台湾的机会。➀ Samsung Electronics disbanded its Advanced Packaging Business Team, which was led by Lin Juncheng, a former TSMC executive. ➁ Lin Juncheng, known as a 'semiconductor packaging expert', has a rich background including nearly 19 years at TSMC and leadership roles at Skytech. ➂ There are rumors that Chinese mainland semiconductor factories are trying to recruit Lin Juncheng, although he is expected to prioritize opportunities in Taiwan.