07/11/2024, 02:09 PM UTC
存储新闻快报 – 2024年7月11日Storage News Ticker – July 11
1、Lightbits Labs的存储技术使Nebul能够以更低成本提供16倍性能的AI服务。2、VAST数据平台获得Nvidia合作伙伴网络的高性能存储认证。3、Datadobi任命Denise Natali为美洲销售副总裁。4、NetApp为包括GenAI和VMware在内的战略云工作负载引入新功能。5、企业战略集团和日立Vantara的研究强调了GenAI项目面临的挑战。6、Volumez融资4000万美元,以扩展AI和机器学习工作负载的云服务。7、Chorology推出基于人工智能的数据治理解决方案。8、Alluxio发布企业AI版本3.2,提高了GPU利用率和I/O性能。1. Lightbits Labs' storage technology enables Nebul to offer AI services with 16x better performance at lower costs. 2. VAST Data Platform certified for high-performance storage in Nvidia Partner Network. 3. Datadobi appoints Denise Natali as VP of Americas sales. 4. NetApp introduces new capabilities for strategic cloud workloads including GenAI and VMware. 5. Research from Enterprise Strategy Group and Hitachi Vantara highlights challenges in GenAI projects. 6. Volumez raises $40 million to expand cloud services for AI and machine learning workloads. 7. Chorology emerges from stealth with AI-powered data governance solutions. 8. Alluxio launches Enterprise AI Version 3.2 with improved GPU utilization and I/O performance.---