12/21/2024, 11:01 AM UTC
KitGuru 冬季日历第21天:赢取Corsair游戏装备包!KitGuru Advent Calendar Day 21: Win a Corsair gaming bundle!
➀ KitGuru 与Corsair合作,在冬季日历第21天举行特别游戏装备包抽奖活动。奖品包括Corsair游戏椅、机械游戏键盘和无线路由游戏耳机。获奖者将获得Corsair TC500游戏椅、K70 Pro TKL键盘和Virtuoso Max游戏耳机。比赛面向全球,参与者需在KitGuru Facebook页面上评论他们目前使用的显卡。12月22日上午11点后随机选出获胜者,获奖者需在48小时内回复。 ➁ 比赛规则包括全球参与,从12月21日上午11点开始至12月22日上午10:59结束。由于圣诞节期间繁忙,奖品派送可能比平时延迟,且不会收集或存储个人信息。 ➂ KitGuru 祝所有参赛者好运,并将在明天宣布获胜者。➀ KitGuru has partnered with Corsair for a special gaming bundle giveaway on Day 21 of their Advent Calendar. The prize includes a Corsair gaming chair, a mechanical gaming keyboard, and a wireless gaming headset. The winners will receive the Corsair TC500 gaming chair, the K70 Pro TKL keyboard, and the Virtuoso Max gaming headset. The competition is open worldwide, and participants must comment on the KitGuru Facebook page about their current graphics card. The winner will be chosen randomly after 11AM GMT on December 22, and they have 48 hours to respond. ➁ Terms and conditions include the competition being worldwide, starting at 11AM GMT on December 21 and ending at 10:59AM GMT on December 22. Prize delivery may be delayed due to the Christmas season, and personal information will not be collected or stored. ➂ KitGuru wishes everyone luck and will announce the winner tomorrow.---