10/31/2024, 02:28 PM UTC
美国投入1亿美元用于将AI/AE应用于芯片制造US puts up $100m to apply AI/AE to chip manufacturing
➀ 美国政府宣布了一项1亿美元的资助机会,用于将人工智能和自主实验(AE)技术应用于下一代半导体制造。➁ 该投资旨在证明新的可持续半导体材料和工艺可以在五年内设计和测试。➂ 资助将支持大学、研究人员和毕业生,以增加半导体制造的可持续性并建立一支熟练的劳动力队伍。➀ The US government has announced a $100 million funding opportunity to apply AI and autonomous experimentation (AE) to next-generation semiconductor manufacturing. ➁ The investment aims to demonstrate that new sustainable semiconductor materials and processes can be designed and tested within five years. ➂ The funding will support universities, researchers, and graduates to increase the sustainability of semiconductor manufacturing and build a skilled workforce.