10/03/2024, 04:43 PM UTC
三星在危机风中勒紧裤腰带Samsung Tightens Its Belt Amid Crisis Winds
➀ 三星电子正在实施紧缩措施,减少员工人数,并缩减庆祝活动;➁ 彭博社报道称,三星可能裁员10%;➂ 三星已在印度和拉丁美洲部分地区裁员10%;➃ 三星表示,其工作队伍调整只是常规操作;➄ 核心产品如内存芯片和家电的表现下滑;➅ 2023年,三星芯片部门录得显著的运营利润亏损;➆ 全球智能手机市场竞争影响Galaxy Z Fold 6和Galaxy Z Flip 6的销售;➇ 三星家电销售也在下降;➈ 三星股票在过去52周内创下新低;➈ 市场分析师正在下调对三星的盈利预期。➀ Samsung Electronics is implementing austerity measures, reducing headcounts, and downsizing celebratory events; ➁ Bloomberg reports a potential 10% layoff of its overseas staff; ➂ Samsung has already laid off 10% in India and parts of Latin America; ➃ Samsung's workforce adjustments are viewed as routine by the company; ➄ Declining performance in core products such as memory chips and home appliances; ➅ Samsung's chip division recorded a significant operating profit loss in 2023; ➆ Global smartphone market competition impacting sales of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6; ➇ Samsung's home appliance sales are also decreasing; ➈ Samsung shares hit a new low in the past 52 weeks; ➈ Market analysts are lowering earnings prospects for Samsung.