08/04/2024, 09:24 AM UTC
Xbox将在Gamescom 2024上发布多款游戏Xbox to Unveil Multiple Titles at Gamescom 2024
1. Xbox将在Gamescom 2024上参展,展示来自Xbox游戏工作室、暴雪、贝塞斯达和第三方合作伙伴的50多款游戏;2. 参观者将有机会亲身体验即将推出的游戏,如《帝国时代:重述》、《阿拉:一个未被讲述的历史》、《暗黑破坏神IV:仇恨之杯》、《辐射76:里程碑零》、《上古卷轴在线:黄金之路》、《塔楼生》等;3. 还将举行《阿博德》、《印第安纳琼斯:大圈》、《星空:破碎空间》等游戏的独家剧场展示,以及《星球大战:亡命之徒》、《太空陆战队2》、《原子陨落》、《潜行者2:切尔诺贝利之心》等第三方游戏的展示。1. Xbox will be participating in Gamescom 2024, showcasing over 50 titles from various studios including Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Bethesda, and third-party partners; 2. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience hands-on demos of upcoming games such as Age of Empires: Retold, Ara: A History Untold, Diablo IV: Vessel of Malice, Fallout 76: Milestone Zero, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, Towerborn, and more; 3. Exclusive theater presentations for titles like Abowed, Indiana Jones: The Great Circle, Starfield: Shattered Space will also be held, along with showcases for third-party games like Star Wars: Outlaw, Space Marine 2, Atomfall, Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl.