10/14/2024, 01:03 PM UTC
从300亿到50亿:Kioxia的非凡七载征程Kioxia’s route from $30bn to $5bn
➀ 过去七年中,全球第三大NAND闪存制造商Kioxia的估值从300亿美元下降至50亿美元。Toshiba的内存业务最初的报价高达300亿美元,但现在的市值显著降低。➁ Toshiba的内存业务之前由包括海力士、苹果、戴尔、金士顿和希捷在内的Bain领导的投资财团拥有。➂ 目前50亿美元的估值意味着Toshiba有可能以低价重新整合其以前的内存业务单元。➀ Kioxia, the third-largest manufacturer of NAND flash, has seen its valuation drop from $30 billion to $5 billion over the past seven years. Initial bids for Toshiba's memory business reached $30 billion, but the current market value is significantly lower. ➁ Toshiba's memory unit was previously owned by a Bain-led consortium that included Hynix, Apple, Dell, Kingston, and Seagate. ➂ With the latest valuation of $5 billion, Toshiba could potentially re-integrate its former memory unit at a low price.