10/01/2024, 07:54 PM UTC
英国政府收购半导体工厂以确保国防供应链安全UK Government Buys Out Semiconductor Factory to Secure Defense Supply Chain
➀ 英国政府决定投资2000万英镑收购位于达勒姆郡的一家砷化镓半导体工厂,以防止其关闭或落入外国企业手中; ➁ 该工厂位于牛顿艾克利夫,是英国唯一具备制造砷化镓半导体技术和能力的设施,此前由美国供应商Coherent公司拥有;➂ 该工厂为英国军事平台提供重要元件,包括为英国皇家空军的台风战斗机提供雷达功率放大器;➃ 政府的干预旨在维护国防供应链、支持东北地区的就业市场,并保护关键军事技术。➀ The UK government has decided to invest £20 million in a gallium arsenide semiconductor factory in Durham County to prevent it from closing or falling into foreign hands; ➁ The factory, located in Newton Aycliffe, is the only facility in the UK capable of manufacturing gallium arsenide semiconductors and was previously owned by Coherent, an American supplier; ➂ The factory supplies critical components to the UK military, including radar power amplifiers for the Royal Air Force's Typhoon fighter jets; ➃ The government's intervention aims to maintain the defense supply chain, support employment in the North East, and protect key military technology.