12/09/2024, 06:30 AM UTC
英国原子能署和布里斯托尔大学开发出首枚碳-14钻石电池UKAEA and Bristol University make first carbon-14 diamond battery
➀ 英国原子能署和布里斯托尔大学的研究人员共同开发出世界上首个碳-14钻石电池;➁ 该电池利用放射性同位素碳-14产生,具有数千年的潜在寿命;➂ 该技术可应用于医疗设备和极端环境,提供数十年的连续电源。➀ Scientists and engineers from UKAEA and the University of Bristol have created the world's first carbon-14 diamond battery; ➁ The battery leverages the radioactive isotope carbon-14 to produce a diamond battery with a potential lifespan of thousands of years; ➂ The technology could be used in medical devices and extreme environments, providing continuous power for decades.---