10/07/2024, 01:26 PM UTC
超薄光学设备提升脑部监测精度Ultrathin Optical Device Enhances Brain Monitoring Precision
➀ 一种皮下光学设备被开发出来,用于精确的脑部监测和刺激。该设备超薄,基于CMOS技术,允许进行侵入性较低的神经活动研究。 ➁ 该设备名为SCOPe,灵活无透镜,总厚度小于200微米。 ➂ 初步测试显示,该设备在跟踪非人类灵长类动物的脑活动和解码运动行为方面具有潜力。➀ A subdermal optical device has been developed for precise brain monitoring and stimulation. It is ultrathin and based on CMOS technology, allowing for less-invasive studies of neural activity. ➁ The device, known as SCOPe, is flexible and lensless, with a total thickness of less than 200 µm. ➂ Initial tests have shown its potential in tracking brain activity and decoding motor behavior in non-human primates.