10/10/2024, 04:04 PM UTC
利用人工智能创造价值:企业中人工智能应用的机会和挑战案例Creating Value with AI: Use Cases for Opportunities and Challenges in the Use of AI in Companies
➀ 慧荣科技发布的白皮书探讨了在商业中成功部署人工智能,为公司、员工和客户创造价值的方法。➁ 它强调了从各个行业中的实践案例,如何使人工智能同时实现经济和社会目标。➂ 报告强调了跨学科合作和创新友好的环境对于人工智能采用的重要性,同时承认中小企业在实施人工智能技术时面临的挑战。➀ The whitepaper by Learning Systems explores successful AI deployment in businesses that create value for companies, employees, and customers. ➁ It highlights practical examples from various industries on how AI can address both economic and social goals. ➂ The report emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation-friendly environments for AI adoption, while acknowledging challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing AI technologies.