09/16/2024, 12:28 PM UTC
英特尔预计宣布35亿美元军事代工厂合同Intel expected to announce $3.5bn military foundry contract
➀ 英特尔预计宣布一项35亿美元的军事代工厂合同;➁ 该合同属于由美国商务部管理的Secure Enclave计划;➂ 该合同表明美国政府相信英特尔能够恢复尖端芯片制造能力。➀ Intel is expected to announce a $3.5 billion military foundry contract; ➁ The contract is part of the Secure Enclave program administered by the US Department of Commerce; ➂ The contract shows the US government's confidence in Intel's ability to regain cutting-edge chipmaking capability.