12/27/2024, 05:36 AM UTC
低功耗电子设计中的DC-DC电压调节器DC-DC Voltage Regulators For Low-Power Electronics Design
➀ 本文讨论了DC-DC电压调节器在低功耗电子设计中的重要性;➁ 它比较了线性调节器和开关调节器,强调了它们的工作原理、优点和应用;➂ 文章还涵盖了选择合适电压调节器的关键参数和不同类型调节器的局限性。➀ This article discusses the importance of DC-DC voltage regulators in low-power electronics design; ➁ It compares linear and switching regulators, highlighting their principles, advantages, and applications; ➂ The article also covers key parameters for selecting the right voltage regulator and the limitations of different types.---
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