08/19/2024, 08:19 PM UTC
简易3D打印桌面织机用于复杂编织Simple 3D-Printed Table Loom for Complex Weavings
➀ 文章介绍了一款由[Fraens]设计的现代3D打印桌面织机,具有八个轴,适用于复杂的编织图案。➁ 这款织机简化了传统的编织技术,使 用户能够尝试不同的颜色和序列。➂ [Fraens]提供了详细的指导和视频教程,帮助用户将大型织机的图案适应到这款紧凑型模型上。➀ The article discusses a modern 3D-printed table loom designed by [Fraens], featuring eight shafts for complex weaving patterns. ➁ This loom simplifies traditional weaving techniques, allowing users to experiment with various colors and sequences. ➂ [Fraens] provides detailed instructions and a video tutorial on adapting larger loom patterns to this compact model.