09/26/2024, 05:52 PM UTC
无人机展示打破光源最大图像世界纪录Drone display breaks world record for largest image of a light source
➀ 创纪录的无人机展示在深圳市龙岗区的 Universiade 体育场举行,共有 8,100 架无人机参与。这场展示由近期巴黎奥运会的灯光设计师设计。➁ 负责展示的深圳高伟大创新科技有限公司自 2014 年以来一直在研发无人机,拥有超过 60,000 架的无人机编队。➂ 这场表演甚至比我在 20-18 年韩国冬奥会看到的无人机展示还要令人印象深刻。➀ A Guinness World Record has been set for a stunning drone display, with 8,100 drones participating in the event at the Universiade Stadium in Longgang, Shenzhen, China. The display was designed by the lighting designer behind the recent Paris Olympics. ➁ The company behind the display, Shenzhen HighGreat Innovation Technology Development Company, has been developing drones since 2014 and has a fleet of over 60,000 drones. ➂ The show was even more impressive than the drone display at the 20-18 Winter Olympics in South Korea.