10/28/2024, 06:00 PM UTC
科赛尔RM850x ATX V3.1(2024年第3代)评测Corsair RM850x ATX V3.1 (3rd Gen 2024) Review
➀ 科赛尔RMx系列已升级以满足最新的ATX 3.1标准;➁ 拥有新的风扇控制旋钮、全模组设计、日本电容等特性;➂ 支持PCIe Gen 5平台,并提供10年保修。➀ Corsair's RMx series has been updated to meet the latest ATX 3.1 standard; ➁ Features include a new fan control knob, full modularity, and Japanese capacitors; ➂ The unit supports PCIe Gen 5 and has a 10-year warranty.