07/17/2024, 04:22 PM UTC
SK创新与SK E&S合并计划董事会通过SK Innovation and SK E&S Merger Plan Approved by Board
1、SK创新与SK E&S于7月17日分别召开董事会,并批准了两家公司之间的合并计划;2、此次合并被视为加强公司在数字经济和能源领域的战略举措;3、合并后的实体预计将利用协同效应并扩大其全球网络。1. SK Innovation and SK E&S held separate board meetings on July 17th and approved a merger plan between the two companies; 2. The merger is seen as a strategic move to strengthen the companies' positions in the digital economy and energy sector; 3. The combined entity is expected to leverage synergies and expand its global network.