08/21/2024, 07:11 AM UTC
三星据报道减少采购ASML下一代EUV光刻设备Samsung Reportedly Reduces Procurement of ASML’s Next-Generation EUV Lithography Equipment
➀ 三星电子计划减少采购ASML的下一代EUV光刻设备。➁ 公司最初计划购买多个EXE:5200、EXE:5400和EXE:5600型号,但现在只引入EXE:5200。➂ 这一决定是在DS部门新负责人Jun Young-hyun审查后作出的,影响与ASML的联合研发中心计划。➀ Samsung Electronics plans to reduce its procurement of ASML's next-generation EUV lithography equipment. ➁ The company initially planned to purchase multiple units of EXE:5200, EXE:5400, and EXE:5600, but now will only introduce the EXE:5200. ➂ The decision follows a review by the new head of the DS division, Jun Young-hyun, and impacts the joint R&D center plans with ASML.