07/15/2024, 04:44 PM UTC
研究人员揭示碳纳米管纤维密度和强度影响因素Researchers Uncover Factors Affecting Density and Strength of Carbon Nanotube Fibers
1、韩国研究人员调查了微观结构演变对碳纳米管(CNT)纤维密度的影响,这对机械性能和应用至关重要。2、该研究强调了残留氯磺酸(CSA)对CNT纤维密度和机械性能的影响。3、研究结果表明,理解结构演变对于优化CNT纤维在高强度应用中的性能至关重要。1. Researchers from Korea investigated the effects of microstructural evolution on the density of carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers, which is crucial for their mechanical properties and applications. 2. The study highlighted the impact of residual chlorosulfonic acid (CSA) on the density and mechanical properties of CNT fibers. 3. The findings suggest that understanding structural evolution is essential for optimizing the performance of CNT fibers in high-strength applications.