11/11/2024, 10:38 PM UTC
利用人工智能创造价值:“能力和框架条件至关重要”Creating Value with AI: 'Competencies and Framework Conditions Are Crucial'
➀ 人工智能(AI)预计将在未来几年内改变各个领域的商业流程和我们的工作生活。其应用可以积极影响产品和服务的质量,以及员工,如果日常工作中自动化的流程为更高价值的活动创造了新的空间。为了使AI的整体价值创造取得成功,还必须在AI的实施中考虑用户的观点。➁ 伊丽莎白·贝特谢克(Irene Bertschek)是曼海姆欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)- 利布尼茨欧洲经济研究所的研究领域“数字经济”主管,以及吉森约翰内斯·利比希大学的“数字化经济学”教授,也是学习系统平台“商业模式创新”小组的成员,她解释了与此相关的机会和挑战。➂ 贝特谢克强调,虽然AI不是万能的,但公司确定AI可以帮助解决的具体流程或任务至关重要。数据和技术是AI对公司的创新和生产率做出贡献的关键因素。➀ Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to change business processes and our work life in various areas in the coming years. Its application can positively affect product and service quality as well as employees if automated processes in the daily work create new spaces for higher-value activities. For AI value creation to be successful overall, the perspective of users must also be considered in the implementation of AI. ➁ Irene Bertschek, Director of the Research Area 'Digital Economy' at ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research Mannheim and Professor of 'Economics of Digitalization' at Justus-Liebig University Giessen, explains the opportunities and challenges associated with this. ➂ Bertschek emphasizes that while AI is not a panacea, it is crucial for companies to identify specific processes or tasks where AI can help solve problems. Data and skills are essential for AI to contribute to innovation and productivity in companies.