08/18/2024, 06:08 PM UTC
SK海力士计划提高DRAM价格,预计DDR5价格将飙升DDR5 Prices Expected to Skyrocket as SK Hynix Plans DRAM Price Hike
➀ SK海力士计划在未来几个季度内将DRAM价格提高至多20%。➁ 价格上涨的原因是公司 将生产资源从DRAM转向用于AI加速器的高带宽内存(HBM)。➂ 此举反映了整个行业减少DRAM生产以专注于HBM的趋势,导致供应短缺和DDR5价格可能上涨。➀ SK Hynix is planning to increase DRAM prices by up to 20% in the coming quarters. ➁ The price hike is due to a shift in manufacturing resources from DRAM to high-bandwidth memory (HBM) for AI accelerators. ➂ This move follows an industry-wide trend of reducing DRAM production to focus on HBM, leading to a supply shortage and potential price increases for DDR5.