08/06/2024, 02:20 PM UTC
伊尔梅瑙工业大学的'厨房守护者'AI智能烹饪项目获得EXIST创业资助TU Ilmenau's 'KitchenGuard' AI Project for Smart Cooking Receives EXIST Startup Grant
➀ 伊尔梅瑙工业大学的'厨房守护者'项目正在开发一种新型传感器,利用AI使烹饪更加轻松、节能和安全。➁ 该传感器为电磁炉增加了智能烹饪功能和直观的控制方式。➂ 该项目已获得为期12个月的EXIST创业资助,以支持其创新的商业理念。➀ The 'KitchenGuard' project at TU Ilmenau is developing a new sensor to make cooking more relaxed, energy-efficient, and safer using AI. ➁ The sensor enhances induction cooktops with smart cooking functions and intuitive control. ➂ The project has received a 12-month EXIST startup grant to support its innovative business idea.