10/26/2024, 03:49 PM UTC
Adobe:3个原因让你意想不到地买入这个AI赢家(评级上调)Adobe: 3 Reasons To Buy This Unexpected AI Winner (Rating Upgrade)
1、Adobe的AI增长动力、利润稳定性和合理的价格标签组合成一个对投资者极具吸引力的投资组合;2、竞争是一个风险考虑因素,尤其是在Figma交易失败之后;3、Adobe的强大基本面、分销优势和战略定位使其升级为正面评级是合理的。1. Adobe's AI growth drivers, margin stability, and reasonable price tag combine into a compelling package for investors; 2. Competition is a risk consideration, especially following the Figma deal's collapse; 3. Adobe's strong fundamentals, distribution advantages, and strategic positioning justify an upgrade to a positive rating.