09/23/2024, 07:18 PM UTC
终于,在Wonderland中完成了一个隔离布线的PCBAt last, an isolation routed pcb in Wonderland
➀ 经过多年的尝试,作者成功使用CNC机器制作了一个PCB;➁ 作者在切割刀片上遇到了一些小问题,但整体结果令人满意;➁ 作者概述了使用的工具,包括用于设计的KiCad、用于生成g-code的FlatCAM和用于CNC机器控制的bCNC;➂ 作者感谢软件工具的开发者,并提供了有效使用这些工具的技巧。➀ After years of attempts, the author successfully created a PCB using a CNC machine; ➁ The author encountered a minor issue with the cutting bit, but the overall outcome is positive; ➂ The author outlines the tools used, including KiCad for design, FlatCAM for g-code generation, and bCNC for CNC machine control; ➃ The author thanks the developers of the software tools and provides tips for using them effectively.