10/21/2024, 07:55 AM UTC
美指標大廠邁威爾開第一槍 光通訊族群迎漲價紅利Marvell Initiates First Price Increase in Optical Communication Sector, Sparking Bullish Sentiment
<p>➀ 美國網通暨光通訊大廠邁威爾宣布,為應對AI需求激增,將於2025年1月1日起對所有產品線提高價格。</p><p>➁ 此舉被視為把握市場機會,並繼續投資於尖端與創新產品的研發。</p><p>➂ 邁威爾上季財報表現亮麗,主要受益於雲端資料中心相關ASIC和矽光產品的需求高漲,超過市場預期。</p><p>➀ Marvell, a major US network and optical communication company, has announced a price increase for all its product lines starting from January 1, 2025, in response to the surge in AI demand.</p><p>➁ The move is seen as an opportunity to capture market opportunities and continue investing in R&D of cutting-edge and innovative products.</p><p>➂ Marvell's strong financial performance in the last quarter, driven by high demand for ASICs and silicon photonics in cloud data centers, has outperformed market expectations.</p>