09/02/2024, 09:50 PM UTC
OpenAI首款自研芯片将由TSMC采用A16 Angstrom工艺开发,用于Sora视频应用OpenAI's First In-House Chip to be Developed by TSMC on A16 Angstrom Process for Sora Video Applications
➀ OpenAI正在与TSMC合作,利用A16 Angstrom工艺开发其首款自 研芯片,旨在提升Sora的视频生成能力。➁ 该芯片的开发最初计划与TSMC合作,但因盈利性考虑最终被取消。➂ 新芯片可能有助于提升苹果设备销量,因为它将与苹果的生成式AI功能集成。➀ OpenAI is developing its first in-house chip with TSMC using the A16 Angstrom process, aimed at enhancing Sora's video-generation capabilities. ➁ The chip development was initially planned with TSMC but was later canceled due to profitability concerns. ➂ The new chip could potentially boost Apple device sales as it integrates with Apple's generative AI features.