06/21/2024, 08:00 AM UTC
2024年路透社数字新闻报告:TikTok和X平台假新闻识别难度最高False News
1、2024年路透社数字新闻报告指出,TikTok和X(推特)是识别真假新闻最具挑战性的社交媒体平台。2、约25%的受访者表示在这些平台上区分事实与虚假新闻至少有一定难度。3、对网络新闻真实性的担忧正在上升,特别是在南非、美国和英国等举行选举的国家。1. A survey conducted across 47 markets for the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2024 reveals that TikTok and X (Twitter) are the most challenging social media platforms for distinguishing between real and fake news. 2. About 25% of respondents found it at least somewhat difficult to discern truth from falsehood on these platforms. 3. Concerns over internet news authenticity are increasing, particularly in countries holding elections, such as South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom.