03/03/2025, 10:54 AM UTC
Lakebrains LLP在艾哈迈达巴德招聘嵌入式实习生Embedded Intern At Lakebrains LLP In Ahmedabad
➀ Ahmedabad的Lakebrains LLP正在提供为期6个月的嵌入式开发实习生职位。
➁ 该职位涉及开发嵌入式软件、测试固件、系统集成并与硬件工程师合作。
➂ 理想的候选人应具备C/C++编程知识,熟悉微控制器,并具有良好的沟通能力。
➀ Lakebrains LLP in Ahmedabad is offering an Embedded Developer Intern position for 6 months.
➁ The role involves developing embedded software, testing firmware, system integration, and collaborating with hardware engineers.
➂ The ideal candidate should have knowledge of C/C++ programming, familiarity with microcontrollers, and good communication skills.
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