08/27/2024, 10:35 AM UTC
工程师开发新型二维低功耗场效应晶体管Engineers Develop New Two-Dimensional, Low-Power-Consumption Field-Effect Transistor
➀ 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所的工程师们使用单晶铝氧化物开发了一种新型二维 场效应晶体管(FET),解决了高栅极泄漏和低介电强度的问题。➁ 这些FET设计更小、更节能,有望减少智能手机频繁充电的需求,并在不增加设备尺寸的情况下增加更多功能。➂ 该开发对于5G设备和物联网应用的进步至关重要,其中小型化和效率是关键。➀ Engineers at Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have created a new two-dimensional field-effect transistor (FET) using single-crystalline aluminum oxide, which addresses issues of high gate leakage and low dielectric strength. ➁ The FETs are designed to be smaller and more energy-efficient, potentially reducing the need for frequent recharging in smartphones and enabling more features in devices without increasing their size. ➂ The development is crucial for the advancement of 5G devices and IoT applications, where miniaturization and efficiency are key.