09/15/2024, 07:12 PM UTC
欧盟用户从明天起可在iPad上侧载应用iPad users in the EU can sideload apps starting tomorrow
1. 苹果确认,从9月16日开始,欧盟用户将能够从第三方应用商店在iPad上安装应用,这一天也是iPadOS 18发布的日期。2. 这一举措是在数字市场法案(DMA)之后进行的,对于苹果在欧洲来说是一个重要的步骤,因为它允许在iOS、iPadOS和macOS上实现侧载。3. 苹果被赋予了六个月的时间来确保iPadOS符合DMA的要求,这一变化将为用户提供更多的应用选择。1. Apple has confirmed that users in the EU will be able to install apps from third-party app stores on iPads starting September 16, the same day as the release of iPadOS 18. 2. This move follows the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and is a significant step for Apple in Europe, as it allows sideloading on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. 3. Apple was given six months to ensure iPadOS compliance with DMA, and this change will benefit users by providing more app choices.
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