09/01/2024, 05:30 PM UTC
智能拼板:节省PCB成本的艺术Smart Panelising: The Art of Saving PCB Cost
➀ 智能拼板通过允许单个面板上包含多个设计,可以显著降低PCB制造成本。➁ 在原型制作阶段,将不同PCB设计组合在一个面板上可以节省PCB和SMT成本。➂ 这种方法对PCB设计和制造新手尤其有益,有助于避免不必要的开支。➀ Smart panelisation can significantly reduce PCB manufacturing costs by allowing multiple designs on a single panel. ➁ During prototyping, combining different PCB designs on one panel can save on both PCB and SMT costs. ➂ This approach is particularly beneficial for those new to PCB design and manufacturing, helping to avoid unnecessary expenses.