08/01/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
英国航天局计划加强欧洲航天局在ECSAT的存在UK Space Agency plans for stronger ESA presence at ECSAT
1、英国航天局和欧洲航天局计划加强在ECSAT的合作,重点发展5G/6G卫星通信。2、他们计划探索建立太空量子技术实验室,以及与轨道服务、组装和制造相关的活动。3、这一举措可能导致欧洲航天局在英国的员工人数到2030年翻倍至200人。1. The UK Space Agency and ESA plan to strengthen their collaboration at ECSAT, focusing on 5G/6G satellite telecommunications. 2. They aim to explore the establishment of a space quantum technologies laboratory and activities related to in-orbit servicing, assembly, and manufacturing. 3. This initiative could double the ESA's UK workforce to 200 people by 2030.