08/31/2024, 01:27 PM UTC
英特尔黯淡未来或引发激进重组:对爱尔兰的影响Intel's Gloomy Future May Trigger a Radical Restructuring: Implications for Ireland
➀ 英特尔正考 虑进行激进重组,包括可能剥离其新兴的‘代工’部门。➁ 公司已宣布裁员15%,并面临惨淡的季度财务亏损。➂ 这一重组可能对英特尔在爱尔兰的业务产生重大影响,该公司在当地是主要雇主。➀ Intel is reportedly considering a radical restructuring, including possible divestment of its nascent 'foundry' unit. ➁ The company has announced a 15% job cut and faced dismal quarterly earnings losses. ➂ This restructuring could have significant implications for Intel's operations in Ireland, where it is a major employer.