10/01/2024, 06:59 PM UTC
数字化与可持续的电池单元生产Digitalized and Sustainable Battery Cell Production
➀ 法兰克福工业应用研究所(IPA)的数字化电池单元生产中心(ZDB)与acp systems AG合作,推出了一款灵活的圆柱形电池单元绕线机。它是一个测试新型电池格式、组件和标签设计的平台,能够为未来的电池技术开发大尺寸电池。这台绕线机在全球范围内独一无二,并集成到自动化和数字化的电池单元生产基础设施中。 ➁ 这台机器不仅是Jelly Rolls的生产平台,也是开发和创新电池系统及格式的研发平台。 ➂ 整个生产过程都是数字化和联网的,以最大限度地减少浪费并提高质量。传感器收集的数据实时上传至云端,允许使用可追溯性技术将数据关联到单个电池单元。这可以实现数据分析、人工智能训练,以及开发监控和预测服务。➀ The Fraunhofer IPA's Center for Digitalized Battery Cell Production (ZDB) has launched a flexible winding machine for cylindrical battery cells in partnership with acp systems AG. It serves as a platform for testing new cell formats, components, and tab designs. It enables the development of large-format cells for future battery technologies. The winding machine is unique globally and integrated into an automated and digitalized infrastructure for battery cell production. ➁ The machine is not only a production platform for Jelly Rolls but also a research platform for developing and testing innovative cell systems and formats. ➂ The entire production process is digitalized and networked to minimize waste and improve quality. Data collected by sensors are processed in real-time in the cloud, allowing for traceability technologies that can attribute data to individual battery cells. This enables data analysis, AI training, and the development of monitoring and predictive services.