12/20/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
《孤岛惊魂7》将带来游戏玩法上的显著提升Far Cry 7 will bring notable improvements to gameplay
➀ 育碧据说将在《孤岛惊魂7》中改变开放世界公式;➁ 游戏将从Dunia引擎迁移到Snowdrop引擎;➂ 《孤岛惊魂7》将引入新的移动系统,包括翻越和战术冲刺;➃ 游戏战役部分有72小时的限时任务。➀ Ubisoft is rumored to be switching up the open world formula with Far Cry 7; ➁ The game is moving from the Dunia engine to the Snowdrop engine; ➂ Far Cry 7 will feature a new movement system with vaulting and tactical sprint; ➃ The game has an in-game time limit of 72 hours for the campaign.---