11/18/2024, 01:43 PM UTC
我的9.5%收益投资组合:封闭式基金与经典汽车My 9.5% Income Portfolio CEFs And Classic Cars
1、作者讨论了封闭式基金(CEF)的正面和负面方面,以及他如何随着时间的推移发现其价值。2、他解释了他基于NAV表现选择CEF的分析方法,以及他将这种方法扩展到其他证券的方式。3、作者比较了他投资组合中的CEF和ETF,并决定由于NAV表现不佳而清算四只基金的仓位。1. The author discusses the positive and negative aspects of closed-end funds (CEFs) and how he discovered their value over time. 2. He explains his analytical approach to selecting CEFs based on NAV performance and how he extended this method to other securities. 3. The author compares CEFs and ETFs in his portfolio and decides to liquidate positions in four funds due to poor NAV performance.