11/01/2024, 01:07 AM UTC
马丁·布朗教授将担任卡塞尔弗劳恩霍夫IEE的负责人Prof. Martin Braun to Lead Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel
➀ 马丁·布朗教授将于2024年11月1日起担任卡塞尔弗劳恩霍夫IEE的负责人。他同时也是卡塞尔大学的教授。➁ 弗劳恩霍夫IEE专注于可持续电气能源系统和能源系统技术的研究与发展。➂ 自1988年以来,该研究所一直在开发促进能源转型和能源行业数字化的解决方案。➀ Prof. Martin Braun will take over the leadership of Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel on November 1, 2024. He is also a professor at the University of Kassel. ➁ Fraunhofer IEE focuses on research and development of sustainable electrical energy systems and energy system technology. ➂ Since 1988, the institute has been developing solutions to advance the energy transition and digitalization in the energy sector.