03/07/2025, 01:00 AM UTC
如果台积电变成美国半导体制造公司,会发生什么?What If TSMC becomes ASMC?
➀ 台积电在亚利桑那州的晶圆厂扩张引发了台湾对其‘硅盾’可能丧失的担忧;
➁ 台积电已向台湾保证,它将保持台湾的先进技术,而海外晶圆厂虽然先进,但不是最先进的;
➂ 台积电对外投资超过4550万美元需要台湾政府的批准。
➀ The expansion of TSMC's fabs in Arizona raises concerns in Taiwan about the potential loss of its 'Silicon Shield';
➁ TSMC has assured Taiwan that it will maintain the most advanced technology in Taiwan and that the foreign fabs are not the most advanced;
➂ The Taiwan government's approval is required for TSMC's foreign investments above $45.5 million.